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Expand your definition of the word love to include all things and notice how big your heart becomes.
-- Panache Desai


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Something better

When you observe carelessness and incompetence, respond with a renewed commitment to diligence and excellence. When you encounter anger and divisiveness, take fresh steps to connect in positive ways to others.

Life can be filled with much difficulty and suffering, but that’s no reason for you to make it even worse. Let it prompt you instead to work toward something better.

Plenty of people are all too willing to complain and assign blame. There’s no need for you to add to those useless pursuits.

Choose instead to direct your focus toward a positive purpose. Choose the demanding yet rewarding effort of creating something better.

Whatever has happened, has happened. Now is the time to learn from it and improve upon it.

In every troubling situation is the potential for excellence. Be strong, see that potential, and do the good things you must do to make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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