Friday, October 30, 2020
Expand your knowledge
It’s good to find information that validates and deepens what you already know. It’s even better to discover credible, compelling information that challenges what you know.
More than one thing can be true at once. More than one perspective can be an accurate depiction of the world.
Even if a differing perspective turns out to be wrong, by considering it you improve the value of your own perspective. And you open yourself to new opportunities for learning.
Be careful not to let your knowledge become a wall that separates you from others. Instead, jump at opportunities to expand your knowledge so that it better connects you with many different people.
Adjusting your perspective is not a rejection of your past experience. On the contrary, it is a more effective way of incorporating that experience into a workable vision of reality.
Be confident enough about what you know to let that knowledge be challenged. You’ll end up with even more knowledge, or greater confidence, or both.
Ralph Marston

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