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Every cultural flowering finds root and nourishment in an expansion of commerce and industry.
-- Will Durant


Monday, October 19, 2020

Humility and ambition

Humility and ambition form a powerful combination. Though they’re sometimes considered polar opposites, they’re actually perfect complements to each other.

Ambition achieves. Humility extends and expands on achievement, makes it meaningful and beneficial beyond its own self interest.

The success brought about through ambition can push you in the direction of arrogance and complacency. Humility helps you avoid those dangers.

Humility opens your eyes to a world full of differing perspectives. Ambition equips you to generate value from the knowledge and wisdom you gain.

What does the merger of ambition and humility look like? It looks like success, like leadership, like fulfillment, because it is.

Consider how you could temper your ambition with humility and share the benefits of your humility with ambition. Connect humility to ambition, and let their interaction bring new positive power and goodness to life.

— Ralph Marston

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