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Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money, power, and influence.
-- Henry Chestor


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Active role

Goodness can be a euphoric experience, but it is not a random occurrence. Goodness arises from intention.

To the extent your life is good and fulfilling, it is because you and others set out to make it so. Spontaneous fulfillment is simply not going to happen.

Indeed, the days and hours will drag you down unless you specifically step forward and pull yourself up. Fortunately, you’re highly capable of doing so.

Keep reminding yourself that it won’t happen automatically. Continue utilizing every opportunity to make goodness happen.

By all means expect the best, hope for the best. Then clearly define what that means, set an intention, and act on it.

Life can be filled with goodness provided you’re intent on taking an active role. Make the commitment to make it happen, now and always.

— Ralph Marston

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