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Just because everything is different doesn't mean that everything has changed.
-- Irene Peter


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Power of change

Time presses forward. As it does, people change, conditions change, the world changes, constantly.

Life can never again be exactly the way it was before. What it can be, however, is better.

That won’t happen automatically. Indeed, it can require much discipline, massive effort, innovation and creativity.

Yet the fact is, there are ways to forge any new situation into a more fulfilling and life-affirming outcome. Just as surely as the world changes, you can change for the better.

Instead of longing for a past that is forever gone, work to create a desirable, beneficial future. Harness the power of change and point it in a worthwhile, positive direction.

Change is inevitable, and you can make good use of it. Improve upon the dynamic experience of life with each passing day.

— Ralph Marston

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