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The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it.
-- Marcus Aurelius


Friday, July 10, 2020

Treasure of human experience

Criticism of others will not gain you their willing cooperation. Genuine respect will.

Forcing your viewpoint on someone else will not result in that person agreeing with you. Seek instead to listen, to understand, to act with care and kindness, to earn and to deserve that person’s understanding.

Every individual you encounter has a unique perspective that’s different than your own. At the same time, every person also has many things in common with you.

Effective, enduring connection happens when you do the work to reach from where you are to where the other person is. That work consists of honesty, humility, respect and precision in your words, and generosity in your spirit.

Every day, people from vastly different backgrounds, with widely varying perspectives, forge positive, fruitful connections with each other. That’s because despite their differences, they care enough, and are diligent enough, to find common ground and to build upon it.

Every person is unique, and that can be a powerfully good thing. Make the effort to connect with that goodness, to understand, to cooperate, and help the world benefit from the astounding treasure of human experience.

— Ralph Marston

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