virgin islands scene

Just as iron rusts from disuse, even so does inaction spoil the intellect.
-- Leonardo da Vinci


Monday, June 15, 2020

Good to now and later

This moment is important, and so is the rest of your life. Be good to now, and be good to later.

Don’t let your obsession with the particulars of this moment diminish your future possibilities. And don’t let your focus on the future take away from the treasures of this moment.

Instead, make those choices that are positive for now and also positive for later. It’s a valuable kind of balance that’s well worth your effort to maintain.

Yes, often you must prioritize your time, resources, thoughts, and activities. Yet you can find ways to do so without compromising your current or future possibilities.

If you live only for the moment, there’s nothing to sustain you when the moment is over. If you live only for the future, you miss out on all the beautiful moments along the way.

You’re fortunate enough to realize that now is where you are and the future is where you’ll be. And you’re skillful enough to give value and fulfillment to both.

— Ralph Marston

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