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Prosperity belongs to those who learn new things the fastest.
-- Paul Zane Pilzer


Monday, June 8, 2020

Simply be thankful

It doesn’t take any special training, or equipment, or skill. You can simply be thankful.

You can look at the world from a more empowered, enlightened perspective. Simply be thankful.

By yourself, with others, in a brief moment, for an entire lifetime, simply be thankful. And quickly add new richness to where you are, to what you’re doing, to those you’re with.

When you’re not sure what to do, simply be thankful. You’ll soon uncover a positive path forward.

It’s not complicated, it won’t get you into any trouble. It raises your awareness, it fills you with fresh energy.

You can turn your life around, and shine a bright light on the immense abundance in which you’re always immersed. Make the simple choice, make the powerful choice, make the smart and liberating choice, to simply be thankful.

— Ralph Marston

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