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Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Steady diet of challenge

If your skills are not being challenged, they are not being maintained. Just as muscles atrophy from non-use, so do your abilities recede when they are not regularly exercised.

You’ve put much effort into developing those abilities. Make sure they remain strong, vibrant, and relevant by challenging yourself to put them to good use.

It’s tempting to coast for a while, and live with minimal effort off the success you’ve already achieved. Yet the day will come when you’ll need your full strength, and you’ll encounter great regret if you let that strength grow soft.

At some point you’re sure to meet up with a challenge you cannot avoid. The more experience you have at handling challenges, the better your outcome will be.

Plus, a steady diet of challenge keeps your life interesting and your purpose clear. And when you proactively choose your troubles, you distance yourself from those more troubling troubles that might otherwise choose you.

Provide yourself with a continuing supply of meaningful challenges to embrace. Stay strong while making a positive difference in your own life and in the lives of others.

— Ralph Marston

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