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Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.
-- James Thurber


Friday, May 22, 2020

Life’s unfairness

It is unfair that one person is skilled at making bread while another is skilled at growing vegetables. Yet from that unfairness can come a very tasty meal.

It is unfair that some people have more wealth than other people. However, out of that unfairness arise ambition, innovation, new value, and ongoing progress.

Some unfairness is intentionally and malevolently maintained. Much of it, though, is a necessary consequence of the fact that every person is unique.

Just because life is unfair, that’s no reason to reject its abundant, diverse possibilities. Just because many of life’s underpinnings are unfair, is no reason to tear them all down.

You don’t ever have to see life’s unfairness as an excuse to hide behind. You can choose instead to see it as a challenge to rise above.

Rather than letting unfairness get you down, let the richness of life’s possibilities push you upward. And fulfill the unique potential, live the special value, that is yours to experience.

— Ralph Marston

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