Thursday, May 14, 2020
Highest hopes
Give hope a reason to be. Give life a good and fulfilling place to go.
Focus your thoughts on the things that make life worth living. Center your actions around nurturing, expanding, and sharing those things.
Don’t just wish for inspiration to somehow come to you. Decide to be a source of inspiration by being an authentic expression of the unique person you are.
Give yourself the courage to do more than just pass the time. Transform the passing moments into lasting value, into richness that shines brightly for all to see.
Carry your most treasured dreams boldly into the future. Harness the energy, put forth the effort, and persist in bringing those dreams fully to life.
Make your highest hopes more than just empty thoughts. Give them real expression in the way you live each day, and in all the good results your actions bring.
Ralph Marston

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