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To be able to do a thing, you must begin to do it, and keep on doing it until the thing is mastered.
-- James Allen


Monday, April 13, 2020

Living responsibly

Living responsibly does not make you immune to life’s tragedies and disruptions. But it sure puts you in a better place, and gets you to a better place, when they happen.

Life is not fair. Over the long term, life discriminates in favor of those who act with responsibility.

Certainly there is way too much injustice in the world, with plenty of innocent victims. Such a situation makes personal responsibility difficult, but that does not diminish its power to enrich life.

Some people are fortunate to understand the value of responsibility beginning when they are young. Yet it is never too late to embrace more responsibility for yourself, for your world, no matter what you start with.

Even when it’s not your fault, even when you have no support, you can make it your responsibility. Persist in that choice, and you put yourself in a position of power.

How can you respond in a positive way that benefits yourself and others? That’s responsibility, and it’s always your most effective way forward.

— Ralph Marston

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