virgin islands scene

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
-- Anais Nin


Monday, March 9, 2020

Advance new goodness

Make up your mind to make life better. Dedicate yourself to advance new goodness in the world.

Recognize the challenges, and plot your course beyond them. Let distractions, disruptions, and deceptions deepen your sense of determination.

Although life is not easy, you can continue to make it good. Even in a fog of confusion and turmoil, you can forge ahead to create new levels of meaning and fulfillment.

Draw strength from your connection to all you love and care about. Engage that strength to serve and promote those facets of life you value most.

Choose to grow more capable as you work through each situation. Increase your understanding, compassion, love and generosity with every encounter.

Now, on this day, with the world exactly as it is, decide to make life better. Then fulfill your highest potential by working to succeed at the task.

— Ralph Marston

previousImage of yourself       Joys that can now benext

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