virgin islands scene

Virtue is its own reward.
-- Cicero


Monday, February 17, 2020

Select your experiences

Thoughtfully select your experiences rather than grabbing indiscriminately at everything in reach. Don’t limit your possibilities, but don’t dilute yourself either.

To experience everything at once is to experience nothing at all. Just because you can have a thousand simultaneous thrills, doesn’t make it a fulfilling way to live.

Give value to whatever you’re doing by giving sustained focus and care to it. Much of what makes anything in life good is your ability to invest yourself in it.

The quality of each experience is based not only on what you do, but also on what you refrain from doing. Give each moment of your life the respect and love it deserves by not cramming it full of worthless rubble.

Quantity becomes a burden if there’s no quality in it. Say yes to quality experience by saying no to all that would detract from it.

Resist the urge to spread your limited time across every option. Step aside from the fear of missing out on this other thing or that, and give yourself the joy of a focused and meaningful experience.

— Ralph Marston

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