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Information's pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience.
-- Clarence Day


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Trouble into treasure

What would happen if you could be thankful for what you usually complain about? Think of the power in that.

Transformation doesn’t happen just because you want it to. Transformation requires you to think different, to act different than you’ve been acting.

Are you perpetuating a pattern of negative thoughts and undesirable results in some area of your life? Gratitude smashes through that pattern, and positions you to rebuild it in a more beneficial way.

Can you really express your thanks for those things that aggravate you? Yes, you can, and by doing so you transform aggravation into admiration, frustration into enthusiasm.

Do you really want to keep complaining about what’s wrong, or would you rather work on making it right? Gratitude harnesses what was negative energy and enables you to put it to positive use.

Choose to be thankful. And watch yourself transform trouble into treasure.

— Ralph Marston

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