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There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way.
-- Christopher Morley


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Great new beginning

Don’t be dismayed if you’ve been going the wrong direction. Turn around, now, and put yourself on a positive track.

Don’t let your lack of progress become an excuse to avoid effort. Embrace responsibility in this moment, and direct yourself into effective action.

Your shortcomings and mistakes are in the past. Keep them there.

Take the opportunity of this day, of this situation, to push forward. Set your intention firmly on a positive goal, then set about to make it happen.

You can do this. Yes you, yes now, yes from where you are, with what you have.

Grab hold of the fresh, new opportunity that’s right here, today. Your future begins now, so give all you have to make it a great new beginning.

— Ralph Marston

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