virgin islands scene

The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling.
-- Lucretius


Monday, December 9, 2019

Get through the middle

Starting a new effort is exciting, and successfully finishing is even more exciting. The real challenge is getting through the middle.

When the thrill of starting out has faded, you can be in danger of losing interest. When the goal is still a long way off, it’s all too easy to give up.

If you wish to achieve, you must prepare yourself for the long, dreary, demanding middle. That’s where the achievement gains its value and substance.

Keep that in mind as you work tirelessly through the middle. As tedious as it may seem, the work you’re doing is adding up, step by step by step.

Get through the middle, and you’ll see the achievement taking shape. Get through the middle, and your goal will grow ever closer and brighter on the horizon.

Before you begin, make the commitment to get through the middle. That commitment will take you all the way to the achievement you desire.

— Ralph Marston

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