virgin islands scene

He can who thinks he can, And he can't who thinks he can't. This is an indisputable law.
-- Henry Ford


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Highest potential

You are worthy of the best life has to offer, so take life up on that offer. Decide right now to think, to speak, to feel, to act in ways that fulfill your highest potential.

There’s more to this day than just getting through it. The moments, the hours, the people, the situations, can all add great richness to your life.

Sure, life can be messy, troublesome, painful, inconvenient. It’s tempting to hide away from most of the turmoil in a routine that’s comfortable and familiar.

But that’s not going to bring you much joy, or richness, or fulfillment. You’re capable of more than merely getting by, and you deserve the experience of exploring those capabilities.

Venture out beyond what you’ve already learned, experienced, and accomplished. Explore new territory and embrace exciting new possibilities.

Give yourself the opportunity to become an even better version of yourself. Live in the direction of your highest potential, and raise that potential ever higher.

— Ralph Marston

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