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Most people say that as you get old, you have to give things up. I think you get old because you give things up.
-- Theodore Green


Saturday, November 16, 2019

What you want

Life won’t go your way just because you want it to. Good things won’t fall into place just because you think you deserve them.

What will move life in your preferred direction are all the choices you make. What will cause events to break in your favor are your preparation, commitment, focus, perseverance.

It’s not about what you wish for, hope for, or consider yourself entitled to receive. It’s about what you do in every small moment.

You may have plenty of opportunities, or just a few. You may have access to vast resources, or hardly any at all.

What matters is what you do with what you have. What matters is the way you choose to make use of your time.

Life doesn’t much care about what you want, unless you care enough to do something about it. Each day, act to honor and fulfill your great potential, and build the life you want.

— Ralph Marston

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