Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The time coming your way
The time in this day, month, year will pass quickly. Be prepared to make full use of it by knowing clearly what you want to do with it before it arrives.
Time is a limited resource for everyone, no matter how many other resources they have. Yet when you make intentional use of time, there are no limits to what you can do with it.
What do you regret not doing because you didn’t have enough time? Let the sting of that regret motivate you to make better use of all the time that’s now coming your way.
Don’t merely wish that you had started sooner. Transform that wish into determination, into action going forward, into achievement.
You won’t get a do-over of time already spent, yet you get something even better. You get fresh, new time, starting right now, along with the wisdom to invest it well.
Be clear on what you intend to do with the time that’s coming your way. Respect the value of the time you have, and that time will serve you well.
Ralph Marston

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