Friday, October 18, 2019
Put it into practice
The way to convince people of what you believe is not to argue with them. If there’s something you believe, something you feel strongly about, put it into practice.
Don’t expect anyone else to believe something just because you do. Quietly, humbly, respectfully, put it into practice.
If you find yourself expressing beliefs mostly in terms of what others should say, or feel, or do, take a step back. Return your focus to what you can do, to how you can live those beliefs.
Let go of the need to find others who will acknowledge, validate, or promote your beliefs. Let go of the desire to experience outrage at those who disagree with you.
Instead, devote your energy to being a positive, living example of what you believe. Spend your time offering life real benefits from the way you live your beliefs.
Arguing, moralizing, shaming and criticizing, all do disservice to the good things you believe. Choose instead to put what you believe into practice, advancing it with your strength and commitment.
Ralph Marston

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