virgin islands scene

I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.
-- Lily Tomlin


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Envision goodness

There have always been serious problems in the world. Even so, a whole lot of people have made a whole lot of amazing progress.

Today, difficult, frustrating challenges exist in your world, your town, your life. And right along with those challenges are plenty of valuable opportunities.

You can live a positive, meaningful life in a world that’s too often negative. Because you have the power to envision goodness and then bring that goodness to life.

The status quo may be oppressive and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to remain the status quo. You can see a better way, you can resolutely go in that direction, and invite others to come along.

Decide you’ll find a way to turn the problems around so they add to your progress rather than detract from it. Commit yourself to a positive perspective that guides you in making constant changes for the better.

See the difficulties clearly, acknowledge the challenges fully. Then envision goodness, and do the work to make that goodness happen.

— Ralph Marston

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