Wednesday, October 9, 2019
You can influence the future but you cannot control it. Keep that distinction in mind.
If everything were to happen according to plan, life would be terribly monotonous. Much of what you treasure in life, you didn’t know about in advance.
People, activities, knowledge, concepts will surprise you, and that’s a good thing. Life is open-ended, no matter how diligently you prepare for it.
Accept that open-endedness. Be okay with not knowing, with being surprised every now and then.
True, some of the surprises won’t be pleasant. Yet all of them give you the chance to add some new aspect to the richness of life.
Do your best to create a good future, but don’t reject life if it’s not precisely the way you imagined it. Welcome the surprises, and take each one as an opportunity to feel more fully alive.
Ralph Marston

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