virgin islands scene

Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.
-- Holocaust Museum, Washington, DC


Friday, September 20, 2019

The best input

The quality of your output is highly dependent on the quality of your input. What quality is the input you are giving to your life?

Vigorous, healthy activity, good nutrition, positive, truthful information sources all lead you toward favorable outcomes. So do beneficial habits, a variety of experiences, uplifting thoughts, and enthusiastic people.

If the results you desire are not coming out of your efforts, ask yourself this. What can you do to improve what you’re putting in?

You can’t make a quality product from inferior raw materials. To achieve the best outcome, start with the highest quality input.

Bypass the junk in your food, your facts, your friends, and your activities. Insist on truthful, in-depth information, quality nutrition, challenging work, and positive people in your life.

The quality of the life you live comes from the quality of what you put into it. Every day, every encounter, every choice, take the opportunity to give your life the best input.

— Ralph Marston

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