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You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself.
-- Galileo


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Go with what works

Go with what works. Continue it, support it, double down on it, expand on it.

Move away, as quickly as possible, from what doesn’t work. And fill the time, fill the space, use the energy for what does work.

Yes, it is as simple as that. It’s not easy to admit to yourself, or to put into practice, yet it is simple and straightforward.

Because at some level you know. You know what pushes you in a positive, creative, fulfilling direction, and what pushes all that goodness away.

Make the choice to go with what works best for your life, and for the lives around you, and for the world. Though that choice can initially be difficult and painful, you know that ultimately it is your best choice.

Refuse to live at anything less than your highest level. Remind yourself, again and again, to go with what works.

— Ralph Marston

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