virgin islands scene

God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road.
-- Isak Dinesen


Friday, September 13, 2019

Let gratitude lift you up

For every single thing that troubles you, there are dozens of other things for which to be thankful. Always, you can summon more than enough gratitude to overwhelm and overpower your sorrow.

Even within those matters that get you down, are aspects you can be thankful for. Go ahead, and let gratitude lift you up.

When sleep has been restless and morning has come too soon, be thankful for the warm water you can splash on your face. As the sun disappears after a challenging day, be thankful for the opportunity of tomorrow.

Feel the transformative power of gratitude as it directs your focus away from problems and toward solutions. Allow your thankful perspective to populate your awareness with new possibilities.

Embark on journeys of thankful imagination. Envision all the good actions of people all over the world who contribute to the enrichment of your life.

In every situation, seek to be thankful. And discover how reliably and how profoundly your gratitude will lift you up.

— Ralph Marston

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