Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Thoughts into action
Thoughts are important, but they’re not everything. For your thoughts to have value, you must put them to work.
By all means, think through what you intend to do, but don’t let your thinking become the final objective. Put your well-developed thoughts into action.
There is a point beyond which your thoughts cannot be improved by more thinking. Indeed, if your thoughts are never challenged they will just grow weak and irrelevant.
Get out of your head and into the real world. Take all those thoughts you’ve been thinking and do something practical and useful with them.
There’s no limit to what you can think, and that’s very powerful. Yet it can also be dangerous, and lead you far away from reality.
Focus and refine the power of your thoughts by regularly applying them in the real world. Think about what you do, act on what you think, allowing your thoughts and actions to draw great benefit from each other.
Ralph Marston

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