Thursday, August 22, 2019
Genuine connection
People everywhere are eager for genuine human connection. Give it generously, without condition, or expectation, or hidden agenda.
Do you seek to help the world? Then help the person right next to you by connecting, interacting, caring.
Sure, you have to be careful, a bit wary, with a healthy measure of skepticism. Yet you can be all those things and still be genuine, kind, courteous and friendly.
Yes, there are some people out to hustle you, take advantage of you, or worse. Mostly, though, the people you encounter simply want to live their lives, solve their problems, and follow their dreams.
Make life a little less lonely, a little more meaningful, for those around you, and for yourself. Each time you have the chance, make an honest, attentive connection, even if it’s just for a moment or two.
Add brightness to life by giving your care and consideration to those who are living it along with you. Extend yourself, your empathy, your understanding to others, and live in a more personable world.
Ralph Marston

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