Tuesday, August 20, 2019
First minute
The way to get ahead is to work ahead. Rather than waiting until the last minute, begin your effort at the first possible minute.
Do what must be done long before it must be done. That frees your time and inspires you to do even more.
Create a virtuous cycle in which achievement begets more achievement. Jump quickly into action and let each small result inspire you to continue.
Work ahead, far past what you must do, and into the rich, rewarding realm of what you really want to do. Take pleasure even in the unpleasant tasks, knowing you’ll soon be free to do what you love to do.
Begin immediately, work ahead, and give yourself a whole lot of great options. Instead of wishing you had more choices, you can be acting on the best choices.
It all begins when you begin, when you summon the discipline that’s within you, and do the work long before it must be done. Get going at the first minute, and soon you’ll be far ahead.
Ralph Marston

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