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Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
-- Franklin P. Jones


Saturday, August 10, 2019

Deep richness

You keep up to the millisecond on every news item, every opinion, every cultural micro trend. But do you have any concept of what it all means?

You’re highly connected to servers, routers, networks, and data. How deeply connected are you staying to the people in your life?

You can instantly express momentary whims using hundreds of clever emojis. When was the last time you wrote a long, heartfelt letter offering a glimpse into the yearnings of your soul?

It’s nice, exciting, useful to go far and wide. Yet that breadth is of little value if it is not accompanied by depth.

Seeing everything, knowing everything, having everything, going everywhere, will not provide the fulfillment you seek. That requires a sustained investment of your time, your effort, your focus, your love.

Information is powerful, sensation is compelling, yet you are capable of, and hungry for, so much more. Set aside time to think, to consider, to focus, to discuss at length, to give deep richness and meaning to the life you live.

— Ralph Marston

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