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Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young.
-- W. Somerset Maugham


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Clear purpose

What is the goal behind the goal? What is the fundamental desire that undergirds all other desires?

In order to achieve what you truly desire, you must know clearly what it is. Seeking a vague, generic objective can never produce satisfying results.

It’s easy, for example, to assume you want a lot of money. Yet in order to reach that goal you must be clear about why, precise about what you wish to do with that money.

Just because everybody else wants it, just because it sounds good, is not sufficiently motivating. Achievement requires long, difficult personal effort that must be driven by a well-defined personal purpose.

Understanding that purpose takes hard work, which leads in turn to even more hard work. It’s a serious investment, and can bring spectacular results when you give it ample respect and commitment.

Be clear about what you care about, what you love and value at the deepest level. Give yourself to it, filling each moment with purpose and filling your world with meaningful achievement.

— Ralph Marston

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