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The greatest sin is not to be filled with joy.
-- Rabbi Leveratov


Saturday, August 3, 2019

Authentic rewards

It’s easy to cheat, but what you gain by cheating is merely an empty token of success. Real success comes only by doing what’s honest and right, for yourself and others.

If you wish to live well, really well, you must be committed to honesty and integrity. Sure, you can accumulate money, fame, and power by being dishonest, but those things won’t bring any true fulfillment.

For any part of your life to be truly good, you must live with goodness in every part of your life. You cannot successfully integrate dishonest work practices, for example, with a good and fulfilling personal life.

Integrity literally means being whole. Without it, your life gets ripped apart.

You have to honestly earn the rewards of life in order for them to have meaning. Anything short of that just leads eventually to disappointment and regret.

Don’t cheat yourself out of even the smallest opportunity to give goodness and meaning to life. Do the demanding, honest work, because you deserve life’s true, authentic rewards.

— Ralph Marston

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