virgin islands scene

The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.
-- George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, August 1, 2019

You must choose

Not only are you able to choose. You must choose.

Though the possibilities may be unlimited, you cannot follow and fulfill them all. You have to have a clear concept of what’s most important to you, and choose your priorities accordingly.

You cannot make progress by saying no to everything. But neither can you make progress by saying yes to everything, because you would simply be overwhelmed.

Choose, based on what’s most meaningful, most enriching, most affirming. To do that, be honest with yourself about what matters, and then engage your courage to support it with the way you live.

How do you know if a particular choice is right for you? It must be a choice for which you have authentic enthusiasm.

Don’t miss the best opportunities by failing to choose, or by failing to narrow your choices. Choose, based on authentic purpose, and give your best to all you choose.

— Ralph Marston

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