virgin islands scene

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
-- James Dean


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Having fun

Are you having fun yet? Or are you tormenting yourself by assuming you have to take everything so seriously?

A bit of genuine fun would make you feel better. And it’s also likely to make you more effective and engaged with whatever you’re doing.

The way to make anything a dreary chore is to think of it as a dreary chore. The way to make anything fun is to decide you’re going to have fun with it.

Young children develop mental and physical skills at an astoundingly rapid pace. They do it mostly by playing, by having fun.

Having fun allows you to be you, unburdened by worry, unencumbered by overthinking, free to wonder and learn and create. Fun provides a positive perspective, and that can shine a light on your best possibilities.

Choose more often to have fun. Enjoy what you’re doing to the point of delight, and you’ll do it a whole lot better.

— Ralph Marston

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