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Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I accomplish.
-- Michelangelo


Saturday, July 6, 2019

Active achievement

Stop telling yourself what you should do, what you need to do, what you want to do. Take in a deep breath of energy and determination, and do it.

Wishing is easy, but it leaves you empty. Doing is much more difficult, yet it is far more satisfying.

Imagine how you’ll feel to have it all done. Picture yourself looking back on your accomplishment and feeling great about it.

Put an end to your disappointment with yourself. Enter the bright new territory where you’re immensely pleased with what you’re achieving.

Your mind is good at coming up with empty, unfulfilled wishes, yet it’s also good at something much more powerful. It’s good at prompting you to take action.

So put your mind, your body, and everything else into a state of active achievement. And feel how great you will feel to get it done.

— Ralph Marston

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