virgin islands scene

Growth itself contains the germ of happiness.
-- Pearl S. Buck


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Strength in action

You are strong when you want to be. Put that strength into action in the service of something good and meaningful.

You are purposeful and persistent when you choose to be. Today, and every day, choose to be.

Don’t let inactivity cause that strength to wither away unused. Refuse to allow life’s best possibilities to pass you by.

Honor your strength, be grateful for it, support and expand it, by keeping it in action. Feel the extent of your strength by using it to make a positive difference in life.

Right now, you can do something about the problems and opportunities, about the things that frustrate you and the things that inspire you. Right here, you can call your strength into action.

Get up, get going, get to work doing what you do best. Stay strong, and grow even stronger, by keeping your strength in action.

— Ralph Marston

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