virgin islands scene

The willingness to sacrifice is the prelude to freedom.
-- Pesach Seder


Saturday, June 22, 2019

Break the cycle

Are you disappointed with yourself? Have you failed in certain ways to live up to your own standards, expectations or intentions?

If so, there’s no need to double down on your disappointing behavior. You have the opportunity, right now, to change direction.

Don’t allow disappointment in yourself to continue setting you up for even more disappointment. This is your moment to break the cycle, to change direction.

The whole reason you’re disappointed is because you know you can do better. Now is your chance to do better.

Feel the disappointment, understand what caused it, then let it go. Free yourself to be more purposeful, more productive, more highly motivated.

A quick, simple choice can transform the restrictive feeling of disappointment into the invigorating energy of action and fulfillment. Make that choice, get out from under the disappointment, and fulfill the great potential you know is yours.

— Ralph Marston

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