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Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.
-- Stephen Covey


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Generous to tomorrow

Do something with each moment that endures beyond the moment. Utilize this day to create value that continues after the day is over.

Push yourself to do more than simply fill time with empty, fleeting sensations. Every hour you waste is an opportunity you’ll never have again.

Be so thankful for the time you have that you’re eager to make good use of it. That is how life’s richness is built.

Making meaningful use of each moment does not prevent you from enjoying those moments as they pass. Indeed, it deepens and extends that joy.

This day will soon end, yet its treasure can continue indefinitely. You have the option, right now, to make that happen.

Put right now to good, thoughtful, meaningful use. Be generous to tomorrow, to the next season, to the next generation, with the way you live today.

— Ralph Marston

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