virgin islands scene

There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth.
-- Charles Dickens


Monday, May 13, 2019

Good things take time

In time, the clouds will part and the sun will shine. In time, wounds will heal and understanding will grow.

You cannot have it all right now, and that’s really not even what you want. Good things take time, and that gives you the opportunity to fully appreciate them when they arrive.

Good things take time, and that provides you with the enjoyment of looking forward to them. It gives you the chance to develop genuine enthusiasm for whatever is coming your way.

If you push and shove to be the first, what you’ll really be is the worst. If you have no patience, you’ll experience no real fulfillment.

Any pleasure or reward you acquire in an instant will fade just as quickly. Choose instead to seek those lasting rewards that require an investment of your time, your commitment, your love and patience.

Good things take time. Make use of your time to fill your life with those good things.

— Ralph Marston

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