Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Lost opportunities
Don’t let today’s moments deteriorate into tomorrow’s lost opportunities. Make good use of the time you have now, while you have it.
Regret is easy to create, and painful to live with. You create it by doing nothing, and the pain appears when you eventually realize that opportunity has passed you by.
Now is when you can steer clear of tomorrow’s regrets. You can put today’s hours and circumstances, resources and energy to meaningful use.
Capture the unique value of now by living it fully, by working it diligently. Appreciate the potential richness that is right here in front of you, and bring it to life.
Tomorrow will have its own opportunities. But if you squander today’s time and opportunities, you won’t be able to replace them.
Live today fully, work its opportunities productively, and use its moments wisely. Then you can wake up tomorrow not regretful, but inspired and ready to do even more.
Ralph Marston

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