virgin islands scene

Simplicity is the key to brilliance.
-- Bruce Lee


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Limitations and possibilities

The laws of physics prevent you from jumping off the ground and flying through the air. Yet those same laws of physics, when properly applied, enable you to fly through the air in an aircraft.

The facts of your situation may impose some very severe limitations on you. At the same time, within that set of facts, you can find liberating and empowering forces.

You cannot magically alter reality just by the way you think. However, you can bend reality in your favor through your beliefs, your perceptions, your expectations and actions.

If all you see are limitations, that’s because all you’re looking for are limitations. Open yourself to more positive possibilities, believe they are there, and they will emerge into view for you.

The ocean is deep, wide, dangerous, and its waves push against you when you try to walk out in it. Yet when you train and equip yourself to traverse the ocean’s surface, you can go all the way around the world.

Hidden within the biggest limitations are the best possibilities. Dare to contemplate what seems impossible, and you’ll find a viable way forward.

— Ralph Marston

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