Saturday, April 20, 2019
Best among the worst
There is a fork in the road, and both paths forward are treacherous, challenging, undesirable. Keep going, because you can, because you must.
Sometimes all the options available to you are painful, challenging options. Even so, you can choose the best among the worst, and push through with it.
Avoiding the difficult choices is not really possible. Because the more you avoid them, the more difficult and overpowering they become.
You must come to terms with each difficulty, acknowledge its existence, identify its nature in detail. Then you can engage your strength, your character, your values, your faith, in successfully dealing with it.
Instead of trying to run from difficulty or pretending it does not exist, make use of it. Do the work to transform your present difficulties into valuable past experiences and future strengths.
When all the choices are hard choices, choose the one with the best potential outcome. Accept that life can be difficult, and get on with making it the best it can be.
Ralph Marston

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