virgin islands scene

The most violent element in society is ignorance.
-- Emma Goldman


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Envision the goodness

You are here, now, ready to live this fresh new moment. And that’s a great thing.

Whether you’re immersed in pleasure or being obstructed by challenge, you have value and richness to be lived. Move forward with thankfulness for your opportunity to do so.

Let go of any judgment or resentment or conceit surrounding how you got here. Open yourself to the best possibilities for making good use of what you now have.

Consider the new richness that can result from your actions. Envision the goodness you can give to this day, to this place, and put your best efforts into the service of that vision.

Forgive yourself and others quickly if you find you’ve gone astray. Then get right back to making the most of where you are.

Whatever this day looks like, however this moment has unfolded, it is an irreplaceable opportunity. Live it, with your best attitude, with your highest expectations, for all the beauty and progress it can bring.

— Ralph Marston

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