Saturday, March 30, 2019
Beyond you
Let go of the empty thoughts that revolve only around yourself. Let in a sense of pure wonder and awe for the whole of existence.
Don’t let your small ego deprive you of connection to the massive splendor in which you’re immersed. Choose the power of a perspective that encompasses all that is, and all that ever has been.
There is so very much substance, energy, knowledge, beauty, goodness, and wisdom in the vast realm that exists beyond your own limited concerns. Keep yourself open to all that abundance, to all its possibilities.
Look up at the night sky, and realize that some of the light just now reaching your eyes has traveled for thousands of years to get to you. Feel the vastness that is impossible to fully grasp.
Give yourself a perspective that enables you to quickly transcend all the petty, meaningless noise. Inspire yourself with a sense of wonder and awe that directs your energy toward those things that matter most.
By realizing how small you are compared to all that is, you can understand what a tremendous opportunity it is to be alive in every moment. Over and over again, you can create real goodness and value from that opportunity.
Ralph Marston

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