virgin islands scene

Character builds slowly, but it can be torn down within incredible swiftness.
-- Faith Baldwin


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Unnecessary stress

Want to make something more stressful than it already is? Wait until the last minute to do it.

Want to reduce your stress and increase your effectiveness? Do the job long before it must be done.

Things are often not as hard as you imagine them to be, once you finally get to work. But you can make them much more difficult by procrastination.

When an unpleasant task awaits you, the stress associated with it builds over time. The longer you put it off, the more you add to that stress.

What will quickly dissipate the stress is to take control of the situation. Take control by taking action and getting the work finished.

Get out ahead of your obligations, working to put each one behind you as soon as you can. And save yourself from a whole lot of unnecessary stress.

— Ralph Marston

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