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Argument is the worst sort of conversation.
-- Jonathan Swift


Monday, March 4, 2019

Transform trouble into triumph

Maybe you can quickly improve a difficult situation, but it’s more likely to take some time. What you can always do immediately, though, is improve your own perspective.

Yes, you’re facing a difficult challenge. Remind yourself that the best way to do so is within the overall context of a positive and empowered outlook.

It’s all too easy to wildly extrapolate your troubles, to assume everything is wrong with the very fabric of existence. Although that attitude is appealing because it relieves you of responsibility, it also makes problems much worse than they have to be.

There’s a better way, and you already know it. You know it because you’ve experienced your own effectiveness, your own ability to persevere, and even to grow stronger, in the face of challenge.

Take a step back from the urge to feel dismayed and sorry for yourself. Decide instead to be inspired, to see opportunity in the challenge, to act with courage in the direction of that opportunity.

Accept the difficulty for what it is, letting it inspire and energize your own most positive perspective in response. Hold on to that perspective, act on it, and enable yourself to transform trouble into triumph.

— Ralph Marston

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