virgin islands scene

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.
-- James A. Froude


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Know you can do better

Know you can do better, and let it fill you with encouragement. Know you can do better, and let it challenge you to get to work.

As effective and productive and purposeful as you’ve been, you can do better now. As mistaken and inattentive and complacent as you’ve been, now you can do better.

Past experience has taught you, frustrated you, inspired you, disappointed you. Now you can gather all that energy, step forward, and do better.

Now you can make one little improvement, and then another, and another. Now you can be driven by your commitment to a more positive and fulfilling future.

Do something good for the person you will be tomorrow, and all the days after that. Recognize your opportunity, recognize your obligation to yourself and others, and do better.

Put this day to great and meaningful use. Put yourself in motion, inspired and encouraged, and do better.

— Ralph Marston

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