Thursday, February 21, 2019
Put your wish into action
To make anything happen, you must do more than just wish for it. And that is a very good thing.
If your wishes instantly became reality, life would be sadly empty and disorderly. Nothing would have any substance or lasting value, for anything could be quickly wished away.
As it is, the goals you actually attain are the ones that really matter. That’s because they’re the ones important enough for you to invest yourself in.
For a wish to come true, you must go beyond the wish, giving the substance of your time, effort, imagination, and commitment. In so doing, you imbue the fulfillment of that wish with real meaning and value that cannot be attained in any other way.
You don’t have to stop with mere wishing, for you can do, you can build, you can work, you can grow. You can create for yourself the joyous and satisfying experience of making good things happen.
Put your wish into action, and do what’s necessary to bring it to life. That’s how you get what you’re truly wishing for.
Ralph Marston

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