virgin islands scene

Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.
-- Holocaust Museum, Washington, DC


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Special occasion

Give yourself the gift of a meaningful moment, every moment. Let your life absorb and experience the rich substance of life, in everything you do.

Don’t sit idle, waiting and hoping for a special occasion. The special occasion is here, now, always, and it is your life.

Adventure is not just found in distant, exotic locales. Adventure is yours to live whenever you choose, wherever you are.

Life is adventurous, special, fulfilling, to the extent you enable and allow and encourage it to be. Live this occasion as the special occasion it truly is.

Go ahead and remind yourself how fortunate you are to be you. Celebrate the special occasion that is right now, and magnify the joy by sharing it with all those around you.

Fill your heart with gratitude for the special occasion of now. And make it even more so.

— Ralph Marston

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