virgin islands scene

Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
-- Daniel Barenboim


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Necessary steps

Even the tallest mountain can be climbed, one step at a time. Even the widest, deepest ocean can be crossed, one rolling wave at a time.

The moment never has to be wasted, for there is always something meaningful and productive you can do. Even when conditions are awful, there is some kind of progress you can make.

That’s how most achievement happens. Those who achieve are those who keep taking the necessary steps, no matter what.

Every moment is an opportunity to take a small step. In the immediate future you can complete a small task, and get just a little bit closer to the goal.

Those moments add up. Today is full of them, and one such moment is here right now.

What can you do with it that will move you forward? Now is your chance to act.

— Ralph Marston

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